Crop Insurance in Canada
Crop Insurance in Canada   Crop producers usually purchases crop insurance in Canada to protect their agriculture and farms against natural disasters like floods and drought or the decline in prices. The government subsidizes this type of insurance to take care of the farmers inside Canada. The primary crops are insured in most countries due to the availability of various risks. Wheat, soybeans, cotton, and corn are some of these primary ones. The History of Crop Insurance in Canada It referred to 1939 when the government of Canada introduced Prairie Farm Assistance Act. It was a protection against disasters for producers in the Prairies and the areas of Peace River. In 1959, it was replaced with CI Act to provide security for all farmers in different provinces of the country. Crop insurance has been available in Canada since 1959. The government noticed that risk management is not easy for farmers and needs support. Natural disasters and price fluctuations are detrimental to all farmers. So, they need help from the government and their provinces. Some amendments have been made to the Act of 1959, but the principles are the same. A further amendment was made to the Act in 1964 to combine general provisions for a better agreement between the provinces and the federal government of Canada. There were other amendments to the Act in later years to improve its performance. The federal government will issue the general framework of the amendments, and there is more flexibility for the provinces to adapt the framework. CI is available in all regions of Canada right now. Why Is Crop Insurance Important? There are superhuman issues all around us. Sometimes, natural catastrophes like floods or drought affect us, and in some cases, price fluctuations make losses for farmers. So, there are numerous risks encompassing agriculture and farmers around the country. Risk management is not an easy task for most ordinary people. The lives of farmers depend on their crops, and they can`t risk their lives. Extreme conditions can affect the lives of farmers and their families. Therefore, subsidies and support are vital for these people. The support can be from the government and provinces. Provinces have different requirements, so the insurance must provide modifications according to the current status quo of these parts of the country. Geopolitics of the world can create permanent effects on crops. For instance, the war between Russia and Ukraine caused an increase in the price of crops like wheat. The pandemic also changed many expectations, and some farmers still suffer from the consequences of COVID-19. As a farmer, you must avoid risk because losing crops can affect your life!   Closing Thoughts Crop insurance in Canada is an innovative plan to protect hard-working farmers of the country. The plan has various benefits for farmers and brings peace of mind to them.   Sources